
Experience the spiral movement


Experience the spiral movement - imoove is the future in sensorimotor training after the vibration plates. 
An elliptically moving plate brings the body in a spiral movement and activates the entire muscle chains with each revolution from the sole of the foot to the head. 
The body gets out of balance and controls against. While traditional training often only addresses parts, imoove acts comprehensively, deeply and effectively on the whole body. 
In the movement, all joints are mobilized, tendons and ligaments are perfused and return the original mobility. The "search" for balance brings the sensorimotor at full speed. 
All the muscles supporting the joints are activated.

The 3D training with the bands in open chain or the handles in closed chain strengthens functionally the large musculature. 
imoove FT offers 20- or 30-minute pre-set exercise programs or allows individual, USB-stored units for each user. 
The integrated dynamic movement test gives immediate feedback