Treatment - prophylaxis - performance improvement

Bild 1

Physical vascular therapy

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BEMER can improve the limited blood flow to the smallest blood vessels and thus support the body's own self-healing and regeneration processes. 
The circulation is the supply system in the human body. 75% of these are in the area of ​​the smallest blood vessels (microcirculation). In the area where the blood cells provide nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs and take the waste products with them on the way back.
Only with the help of these supply and disposal processes can the body cells fulfill their manifold life-sustaining tasks and provide the body with energy. The heart ensures that the blood cells move through the bloodstream. But: Overall, the corpuscles have to supply and clean a range of over 120,000 kilometers.
Since the heart does not manage this alone, it needs help: The smaller blood vessels drive the blood cells through their own pumping movements (vasomotion) and thus support the heart. In addition, they regulate the flow of blood through their movements so that areas with a current higher need for care are better supplied with blood than those with a temporarily lower supply. Example: During exercise, the supply needs of the muscles are high while the brain needs less.
In a learning activity, it is exactly the opposite. With the help of the pumping movements of the smaller blood vessels, the blood cells can do their job - where it's needed most. The result is impressive: the body's defenses are strengthened, physical and mental performance increases, illnesses are better combated and medicines reach their destination better.

However, stress, lack of sleep, a one-sided diet, unhealthy lifestyles, illness and, of course, aging slows down the pumping movement of the smallest blood vessels. This affects the vast majority of all people. As a result, the blood cells are traveling too slowly and can no longer perform their tasks sufficiently well. A shortage of tissue and organs leads in the long term to a loss of physical and mental performance, pain, discomfort and illness.

The BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy can counteract this in a naturally limiting framework. With the help of electromagnetically transmitted stimulation signals, it stimulates the pumping movement of the smallest blood vessels and can thus normalize the blood flow in this area. The body cells are better supplied and can do their various tasks: For example, to fight diseases and pain, heal wounds, provide energy for physical and mental performance or restore the general well-being.

But also in amateur and professional sports BEMER can offer valuable support. 
For a need-based blood circulation of the smallest blood vessels shorter heating and Abwärmphasen and a faster regeneration and thus more effective training units are possible. In addition, in the ideal case, micro injuries can be repaired immediately, thereby preventing major subsequent injuries in advance.